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The World Whistles Research Association


We thank the individuals and the organisms which supported members of this network

  • The Rolex Awards Foundation for the Rolex Award 2006 attributed to the part "Documentation and Cultures" of the project The World Whistles
  • Fanny Meunier : Psycholinguist of the laboratory Dynamique Du Langage, she financed a part of the recording material of the 2003 travel
  • UNESCO : Intangible patrimony of humanity for the reflexion meetings about whistled languages and speaking music
  • Arlette et Michel Meyer for flight pass inside Brasil (travel 2003)
  • La FUAJ : the international association of youth hostels for members cards in 2003
  • Le vieux campeur : for a 13% discount to their sportwear material for world tour 2003



©2009 The World Whistles